The Data Science and AI Institute, in collaboration with the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (KSAS), continues its series of symposia exploring the intersection of AI with the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. The goal is to create a community of scholars whose interests include using AI tools in their research and/or are studying AI’s impact on society.

The Impact and Governance of AI
4 to 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 20
Rose Auditorium, Carnegie Building
Homewood Campus

Reception to follow

In this symposium, speakers will address how society is affected by AI and how it could be governed. In terms of impact, speakers will first address structural racism in AI. They will then address the impact of AI both on housing and climate-change policies, and on political agendas and monetary policy. Finally, the speakers finally turn their attention on ethical and human-centered projects, and policy initiatives across the AI lifecycle.


Ebony McGee, School of Education
Francesco Bianchi, Department of Economics
Michael Bader, Department of Sociology
Monica Lopez-Gonzalez, Department of Computer Science

Please register for this in-person event.